A large, old village located 3.0 km south-west of Avetaranots village, in a sloping area of a forested area, in a place called Bakhshunts Bina.

“Bakhshunts Bina” old village

Date of construction: 7-13th centuries

Location: Askeran/ Avetaranots village (former Chanakhchi)

It is a large village located on a hillside by a small river. The settlement is located on 4-5 artificial walls, built-in succession. Retaining walls made of raw stone, without mortar, have survived up to 2.0 m in height. The approximate length of the upper wall is about 25 m. Darawandas (rising grounds) can be traced by weak cavities and pebbles, resembling separate walls. The area is covered with a thick layer of forest humus. Surface ceramics were not found on the site, but judging by the construction equipment of the retaining walls, the village can be roughly dated to the early and developed Middle Ages.

It is located 3.0 km south-west of Avetaranots village, in a sloping area of a forested area, in a place called Bakhshunts Bina.

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