

Church of St. Astvatsatsin

Date of construction: 1651

Location: Askeran/Avetaranots village (former Chanakhchi)

Description / Archaeological and Artistic Information:

This large (27.53 x 15.30) sanctuary served as a diocesan church. It is a three-aisled vaulted basilica built of rough and hewn stones. The church has relatively high, broad, and elongated proportions. Interior decoration is significant; it is divided into ships by four magnificent columns. There are two lodges at the entrances to the tabernacle, on both sides of the stage. Other interesting architectural elements significantly increase the expressiveness of the interior structure of the building. The church contains numerous manuscripts, parchment gospels, crosses, and precious relics with dates (1671), (1661), (1650), (1659). Three khachkars adjoin the monument from 1511, 1616, and 17th century, five gravestones from 1511, 16-17th centuries, and 19th century.

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